"Gary was a great teacher who ... led a team of 10+ engineering staff and interns in the creation of a Python software cloud architecture on Amazon EC2, for the successful launch of a SaaS product, Alfonso."

-Sloan Kulper, PhD, Chief Executive Officer, Lifespans, Ltd., client

"Thanks for adapting the consultancy/training to suit my company and project needs. Greatly helped in laying the foundation for all our current and upcoming projects!"

-Reeve Liew, Director (Sales & Operations), Intrasys, client

Get in touch: info@ygitsoftware.com

Are you a ...

... start-up & would like to use version control / code reviews?

... company & use Python (pandas, numpy) or Rust in software architecture workflows?

... small business & want to leverage Amazon EC2 instances?

I can help!

"Gary ran a fleet of fuzzers which were ... making our whole team much more productive and efficient ... Also, Gary is just a really great person, always positive and constructive..."

- Luke Wagner, co-creator of WebAssembly & asm.js

"At Mozilla ... he did a fantastic job. He stayed on top of things. And his positive attitude was catching. I wish we'd had three or four of him."

- Jason Orendorff, ex-module owner of SpiderMonkey, JavaScript Engine of Mozilla Firefox

Bringing a decade+ of experience in the US - Silicon Valley - over to you

Serving clients across continents / timezones in Asia, North America


Version control (Git/GitHub)

Code review processes

Software architecture workflows


版本控制 (Git/GitHub)



Latest: CVE-2024-54505 (Apple), CVE-2024-44185 (Apple), CVE-2024-9400 (Mozilla), click for full list


Senno Technology Inc., Taiwan, client

D2V Ltd (AGL Systems), Hong Kong, previous client

Talks (shortlist)

Hong Kong

香港開源年會 2023

COSCUP 2019 (Mandarin), Taipei, Taiwan

開源人年會 2019